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Rideshur sets fair rates adjusted at every turn. Safety, risk level, and claims are all managed from a single dashboard. Evolve your fleet.

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Less than 1% litigation rate

Easy to use claims process. Stay up to date and get back on the road.

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The fairest fleet insurance on the market. Intensely personalised premiums backed by big names.

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Authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority

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No other fleet insurance keeps you fully covered, walks you through the claims process, and offers personalised rates based on how, where and when your vehicles are driven.

How Rideshur Works

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For Fleets

Drive your fleet with real-time insurance.

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For Drivers

Watch your insurance premium change in real-time as you adjust your driving habits.

Rideshur for Drivers
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For Brokers

Connect your clients with the fairest-priced premiums on the market.

Rideshur for Brokers

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Transparency is key, and our fleets speak the truth about their experience with Rideshur.

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Our job is to get everyone home safely to their loved ones and working with Rideshur helps us to do that.

Gurinder Dhillon

CEO, OttO Car


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There’s no runaround. Insurance should keep you safe, covered, and fully informed — that’s exactly what we do.


Driver better with real-time route monitoring that learns as you do.


Pay less due to modern risk assessment algorithms, not out-of-date telematics.


Claim faster and get back on the road using our comprehensive platform.

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Real-time rates, organized claims, and increased road safety are all yours. Just a few simple questions to get started.


I manage a fleet

I’m a driver

I’m a broker

Ready to upgrade?

The fair prices, feature-packed claims hub and safety assessment are just the beginning.

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